So why did I start blogging, what was my vision and has it changed?

Now I could answer that question with an array of answers that would sound good, the love of writing, wanting to reach people etc…but I want to take the honest route. Here are some of my reasons for blogging (in no particular order).

1. To Make Money - Was my original and only one, but things have changed!
To be completely honest I started blogging to make money, I had been trying to make money on the internet with adwords and pay per click advertising, but it wasn’t going well. I was spending more money than I wanted to doing it, and getting nowhere. So blogging was my next method that I had heard about for making money on the internet. I was looking for any way that I could get to work. I think I was getting a little desperate to see if it was possible to make a living off the internet! But I quickly realised if that’s the only reason you blog then you will never get anywhere with blogging. Blogging has to be much more than about making money, people will see through it , and that you are not really interested in what you are blogging about, and you will fail. The one good thing that came out of this original reason, was finding blogging.

2. I Like It!
Simply, I like blogging. I kind of stumbled into it, but I am very glad I did. I’m a creative person and I get a kick out of seeing my writing on the internet, without the hassle of going through a publisher or editor and the pitfalls that go with them. And I like the fact that you are building something that you can make completely unique, whether it be through content, themes or plug ins. The possibilities with blogging are very exciting, and I hope to achieve some of them over time. The side effect to blogging that I didn’t expect at first, was the community and the people you meet in the blogsphere, it’s great.

3. The Potential to Build a Business.
The money part would still be nice and very possible with blogs, but not as the one and only motivation. Blogging and blogs in my opinion (now) are all about building a blog about a subject that you love, with solid foundations and good information that is regular and of value to your readers - something I am continually trying to achieve. That in turn can build credibility in your niche and you can become an authority in your area. All of these reasons will also help increase your traffic just because they are true. Blogs are search engine friendly and can really help grow a business. Now if that’s not a reason to blog then I don’t know what is. Especially if you have a business or want to start one that can be promoted through the blog. So if you think about it like that, then blogging becomes a very appealing and worthwhile pursuit.

I realise that the above takes time and commitment and it is not an easy route to get there. And although I believe this information that I have learnt, to be true. I have by no means got to this point myself. It’s good to know your goals and work hard to get to them.


A persistent blogger.

If you would like to find out more, or follow my journey with blogs and blogging then you may like to visit Build a Blog

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What Makes BlogCatalog Different? - Blogging Mix Review