Benefits Of Web Directories

Posted by blogging-monetization-money | 6:41 AM

Web directories accept links from webmasters or site administrators seeking to submit their site for inclusion, the sites are then reviewed by a human editor who usually does a review of the site to determine its quality and content before approving it.



This directory basically consist of many categories divided into smaller categories and will include a variety of different website e.g. business, computers, health, etc. These directories can become quite large with the continual growth of categories and sites added.


These directories are also known as specialty directories in which they specialize or cater to one category of products and services or themes. These directories are quite useful less overwhelming than the vast content of a general directory.


A fee is charged for reviewing the submitted website, there is no guarantee of your site being approved and usually there is a no-refund policy (there are a few exceptions to this rule). Some others will simply include your site once the fee is paid, many webmaster prefer this method because of it's fast inclusion.


There is a mutual linkage between two websites in order to ensure mutual traffic, the site submitting must place a link from their site before approval or inclusion. Please note this does not guarantee inclusion, beware of unscrupulous sites that approve your site then shortly thereafter remove your link.


As the name implies these directories are free and do not require a link back, sometime these sites do get backed up, the higher the page rank, the more popular the directory is, so submission and approval periods may be long, but these free directories are by far the best in my opinion, unless your have the means of paying for your site submission.

Basically the benefits of any web directory is to provide your site with incoming links or reciprocal links a combination of the two links would be ideal in getting your site moved up in page rank.

Getting your site indexed by spiders and search engines

Bring targeted traffic to your website because visitors would already have an idea of what your site is about.

Get higher ranking for targeted keywords.

Help contribute to an increase in page rank.

Is the page rank of the directory you are submitting to important?

Well I will have to say, yes, but this must not be the only factor in your decision to use that directory, for instance a directory may have a low rank because its new, every website at one time or the other started off with a 0 page rank, if we were all to spurn a site because of a 0 PR then we'd all be out of business. Ultimately the decision is yours but a site should be judged by the quality of the sites it contains, back links and content.


No Follow - there is a "no follow" tag associated with the link, meaning search engines will not follow the link.

Uses Redirects

Uses unscrupulous reciprocal methods- removing sites shortly after approving them to boost their own incoming links

Links embedded in JavaScript and other codes that search engines can't follow.

Submitting to web directories is not the only means of promoting your site or building back links but it is a very important one.

About The Author
Karleen Phillip, 32 yr female, located in Florida, USA. Web administrator of Free Web Directory

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