For those who are looking for a career as a proofreader, it is important to have the right qualifications. It is important to remember that this is a proper job. It is not just an easy way to make some money from home. For those who are serious, it will require a lot of diligent work to get into the field. And, when they do, it will take time to build your freelance business to the stage where it is profitable. Nevertheless, here are some of the basic qualifications that you will need:

1. You may find it more than valuable to have a proofreading training certification. This can be obtained in a number of ways. You can get it from going to a college and taking the right courses. Or, you can find a number of colleges online that are accredited and can provide you with the training you will need. You can obtain this certification after completing a series of courses on the proper writing techniques and editing requirements.

2. Proofreaders need to be diligent people. This is because it is necessary to work and work at the piece until it is perfect. Sure this can be difficult as you do not want to rewrite the entire thing, but make slight changes to the copy. They need to work hard to establish this type of commitment.

3. One of the most important aspects to any good proofreader is their ability to be creative. The words need to be right, yes, but they need to be creative and flowing. Even though the proofreader doesn’t write the piece, they still have to make the necessary corrections to it to insure it is properly worded.

When individuals set out to become a proofreader, they may want to build a freelance business in it. Becoming a freelance proofreader is an excellent way to make a living, but it takes hard work and dedication. The qualifications that you have will make or break them. You will need education but they will also need quality business skills as well.

About The Author

Niall Cinneide

Visit for more Articles, Resources, News and Advice about Proofreading Jobs.

Copyright © All rights reserved. This article may be reprinted in full so long as the resource box and the live links are included intact.

Love Links

Posted by blogging-monetization-money | 8:14 AM

If you are looking for ways to improve your GOOGLE PAGE RANKING and TECHNORATI RANKING, I recommend that you give Viral Linking or Viral Tagging a chance. All you need to do is follow these four simple instructions and you're on your way to increasing the number of links to your blog. (courtesy of Blogging Mix.)

==== Copy and Paste below this line ====


1.) Copy and paste the entire matrix of “ViralTags” below.

2.) Substitute the Host Tag and one of the “ViralTags” in the matrix with your anchor text of choice containing your blog’s URL. Please keep anchor text to a maximum of 4 words to keep the matrix size manageable.

3.) When you get a ping back from someone that has your link in one of their “ViralTags”, practice good karma by copying his/her Host Tag’s anchor text (automatically the associated link will also be copied) and paste it over one of your “ViralTags” below.

4.) Encourage and invite your readers to do the same and soon this will grow virally.

Host Tag: Blogging Mix : Blog, Bloggers and Blogging

| Blogging Mix | Blog About Interesting Stuff | Internet Blog Branding | Blogspot - Search Engine Optimization | Blogging Tips, SEO Guide | Blog Instructor | Blog, Blogger and Blogging | Blog About Networking | Blog Monetization - Blogspot | Blogger, Blog and Blogging | Blogging and Marketing | Blog For Bloggers | The Bloggers Haven | Business Logic | Extension - Blogging Mix | Content, Connection, Continuity | Asian Women and Culture | Viral Tag | Viral Tag | Viral Tag | Viral Tag |

UPDATE: Please let me know through the comments when you've posted this on your blog so I can add your link. Please inform me of your preferred ANCHOR TEXT too. Thanks.

Google Loosing Fan Base?

Posted by blogging-monetization-money | 2:57 AM

"Nothing last forever but the Earth and sky." - from Dust in the Wind by Kansas.

Google has spent the last year evolving from a search engine to a giant media corporation. At birth Google was worried about only one thing, search - and that focus is why it became so successful. As Google spreads out many are wondering, are they doing it too fast? Are they letting quality slip? As any company evolves it will make mistakes, but has Google lost sight of its goals?

Google gained large distribution when Yahoo switched to it to drive down Inktomi stock price, only later to buy Inktomi. Google then came to power stealing traffic from Yahoo by providing clean, relevant results, and good search tools for surfers and webmasters alike. Many estimate that Google controls in excess of 75% of the search market.

Microsoft is still working on its search engine. Yahoo recently acquired Overture and is working behind closed doors in much the same way as MSN is. LookSmart has not updated Wise Nut in a long time, is hated by a large portion of the internet community, and is soon set to loose most of its distribution. And Ask Jeeves (owner of Teoma) has its top results powered by Google AdWords. With Google powering Yahoo, AOL and many other sites Google lacks a clear competitor today.

Right now Google can take its huge lead and extend it, or let it slip. No system is perfect and there will always be complaints, but I have to wonder if Google has forgotten why or how it became such an icon.

Many people have reported their Google Toolbar has been failing to return PageRank 90% of the time. While the hysteria around PageRank is somewhat overrated, it would be more assuring if the feature worked often.

One of the biggest problems search engines face today is a lack of quality content on the web. Earlier this year Google introduced a program called AdSense which displays its pay per click AdWords ads on many mid sized web sites. AdSense was designed to help pay to produce better content sites. Soon after Google introduced AdSense they included a related searches link set underneath the ads which made webmasters angry. This technique was siphoning off traffic from websites back to Google with no payment of any kind. Quickly Google had to repeal this move.

Google has also signed its AdSense members to a gagging clause. Beyond that gagging clause many have complained about getting kicked out for reasons they could not even challenge. Then for these same members to see how much money Google had owed them up to that point they had to agree to another set of terms that prevented them from criticizing the AdSense program. But the ads get worse.

Google was in a race with Overture to be the first to provide broad matching on its search terms. Google got there first. The idea behind broad matching is that it will allow Google to sell more of its ad space by providing ads on similar terms that were not yet sold. Overture allows different bid prices on different levels of matching. Google sets a single price on the ads, and this causes a huge problem for those who do not know how to use the system.

First the broad matching ads are less relevant. The term broad indicates far reaching and is self explanatory to its end effect on relevancy - which is in the exact opposite direction of Google's roots. This new type of broad matching matches many remotely close search phrases to those paid for by the advertiser. Couple near matching with the fact that ad sites and pages are scanned for relevancy (which is frequently inaccurate) and a big problem starts to come about with how to provide relevant ads on the syndicated results.

While many of the SEO experts know how to use negative keywords, tracking, and other advanced features, the smaller advertisers do not always have the resources or understanding to effectively use this new, more complex medium.

Now instead of rewarding businesses for hunting out the phrases that exactly match them (and thus providing higher quality search results), Google is rewarding the largest companies by allowing them to be lazy. Google is shooting itself in the foot by degrading relevancy for short term profits.

Large companies bid on generic cover all terms at prices where they loose money on every transaction until the competition goes under. Not only do these name brands enjoy higher click through rates (due to brand recognition), but those with stockpiles of cash can afford to burn through thousands without a blink. Many small sites can not, thus the sad state of internet media is that it is now consolidating much the same way as offline media is.

It gets even worse for the small website now though. These same ads which they are using may now appear on pages that sometimes do not even remotely fit the ads. I was looking at the GMT clock time zones to ensure my clock was set at the right time today (so I missed daylight saving time). The page which had the different time zones listed a few cities and a group of AdWords. Most of these AdWords were targeting Las Vegas (most likely the most expensive US city). Las Vegas was not even one of the cities mentioned on the list. Not a relevant ad set. Bad for all parties involved.

What is the result of this change to AdWords? Lower quality ads at a higher price. Nick Denton predicted that the expansion of these ads across the web (especially coupled with decreased relevancy) that users will start to ignore them. Much the same way as banners have faded, only a few years may be left before this advertising medium chips away and destroys itself.

What about the regular Google search results? At least they are strong, right? Sometimes they are rather week. Some clients have had search results dominated by the same sets of interlinking sites. Aiming to fight spam, Google is acknowledging this fact by incorporating a new major algorithmic change on the web live. My site went from #17 to #7 to not in the top 1000 websites for "search engine marketing". While I still have customers that need work done on their sites, this sporadic re mixing is not refreshing in my mind, as well as in the minds of many of my customers.

I have already had concerned emails arrive from friends worried about loosing thousands of dollars a month as their top listing evaporated. All I can tell them is wait and see.

Much of what people have feared would happen to Google after it goes public has already happened. It is clear that competitive open source alternative search engines such as Nutch are not desired so much as required.

About The Author

Aaron Wall
author and owner of Search Marketing Info

Give me 1 Link, I'll Give You 5 Links in Return

Posted by blogging-monetization-money | 6:08 AM

So why did I start blogging, what was my vision and has it changed?

Now I could answer that question with an array of answers that would sound good, the love of writing, wanting to reach people etc…but I want to take the honest route. Here are some of my reasons for blogging (in no particular order).

1. To Make Money - Was my original and only one, but things have changed!
To be completely honest I started blogging to make money, I had been trying to make money on the internet with adwords and pay per click advertising, but it wasn’t going well. I was spending more money than I wanted to doing it, and getting nowhere. So blogging was my next method that I had heard about for making money on the internet. I was looking for any way that I could get to work. I think I was getting a little desperate to see if it was possible to make a living off the internet! But I quickly realised if that’s the only reason you blog then you will never get anywhere with blogging. Blogging has to be much more than about making money, people will see through it , and that you are not really interested in what you are blogging about, and you will fail. The one good thing that came out of this original reason, was finding blogging.

2. I Like It!
Simply, I like blogging. I kind of stumbled into it, but I am very glad I did. I’m a creative person and I get a kick out of seeing my writing on the internet, without the hassle of going through a publisher or editor and the pitfalls that go with them. And I like the fact that you are building something that you can make completely unique, whether it be through content, themes or plug ins. The possibilities with blogging are very exciting, and I hope to achieve some of them over time. The side effect to blogging that I didn’t expect at first, was the community and the people you meet in the blogsphere, it’s great.

3. The Potential to Build a Business.
The money part would still be nice and very possible with blogs, but not as the one and only motivation. Blogging and blogs in my opinion (now) are all about building a blog about a subject that you love, with solid foundations and good information that is regular and of value to your readers - something I am continually trying to achieve. That in turn can build credibility in your niche and you can become an authority in your area. All of these reasons will also help increase your traffic just because they are true. Blogs are search engine friendly and can really help grow a business. Now if that’s not a reason to blog then I don’t know what is. Especially if you have a business or want to start one that can be promoted through the blog. So if you think about it like that, then blogging becomes a very appealing and worthwhile pursuit.

I realise that the above takes time and commitment and it is not an easy route to get there. And although I believe this information that I have learnt, to be true. I have by no means got to this point myself. It’s good to know your goals and work hard to get to them.


A persistent blogger.

If you would like to find out more, or follow my journey with blogs and blogging then you may like to visit Build a Blog

Article Source:

What Makes BlogCatalog Different? - Blogging Mix Review

The Growth Of Affiliate Marketing

Posted by blogging-monetization-money | 10:09 AM

Affiliate marketing on the internet seems to be everywhere. There are so many sites that a person can sign up to receive bonuses from referring other people to the site that it seems that everyone is involved. This can lead to a lot of websites having more links to other sites than actual content, just to earn money from their affiliate marketing.

However, the idea of an affiliate is not a new one, and is by no means reserved just for the internet. There have long been associations between two or more people or companies. Quite often, being an affiliate of a prestigious organisation was seen as a benefit, and was often very hard sought after. Dental practitioners would want to be affiliated with the national dental organisation, for example. This affiliating with a recognised governing body would add extra credibility to the practice.

On the other hand, celebrities would often be affiliated with a certain product or service for advertising purposes. It is still the case that many people aspire to own the same items that their favourite movie stars or pop singer use.

The majority of internet affiliates do not have the same status as other affiliates, as there are no special requirements for affiliation. Almost anyone can have hundreds of affiliate links on their site, and most of these are not of any real benefit to the credibility of the site itself. In fact, as they are purely ways to attract visitors to another site, the impact of these affiliate inks can often be negative.

Many people are so used to seeing lots of affiliate links that they are almost immune to them. The time has come for the true nature of the affiliate to be restored and applied to the internet affiliate schemes. Having an affiliation should be a sign that the site performs a valuable service, or has reached recognised standards of quality and service, and not simply a way to earn a few extra cents whenever a person clicks on the link. In reality, the amount of money that a site owner actually earns from these affiliate links is so small compared to the negative impact that having the link on their site has, that it would be in their best interests to remove them.
About The Author
Dana Goldberg is the owner of Website Promo Tips. An information portal for online marketers and affiliates.

Benefits Of Web Directories

Posted by blogging-monetization-money | 6:41 AM

Web directories accept links from webmasters or site administrators seeking to submit their site for inclusion, the sites are then reviewed by a human editor who usually does a review of the site to determine its quality and content before approving it.



This directory basically consist of many categories divided into smaller categories and will include a variety of different website e.g. business, computers, health, etc. These directories can become quite large with the continual growth of categories and sites added.


These directories are also known as specialty directories in which they specialize or cater to one category of products and services or themes. These directories are quite useful less overwhelming than the vast content of a general directory.


A fee is charged for reviewing the submitted website, there is no guarantee of your site being approved and usually there is a no-refund policy (there are a few exceptions to this rule). Some others will simply include your site once the fee is paid, many webmaster prefer this method because of it's fast inclusion.


There is a mutual linkage between two websites in order to ensure mutual traffic, the site submitting must place a link from their site before approval or inclusion. Please note this does not guarantee inclusion, beware of unscrupulous sites that approve your site then shortly thereafter remove your link.


As the name implies these directories are free and do not require a link back, sometime these sites do get backed up, the higher the page rank, the more popular the directory is, so submission and approval periods may be long, but these free directories are by far the best in my opinion, unless your have the means of paying for your site submission.

Basically the benefits of any web directory is to provide your site with incoming links or reciprocal links a combination of the two links would be ideal in getting your site moved up in page rank.

Getting your site indexed by spiders and search engines

Bring targeted traffic to your website because visitors would already have an idea of what your site is about.

Get higher ranking for targeted keywords.

Help contribute to an increase in page rank.

Is the page rank of the directory you are submitting to important?

Well I will have to say, yes, but this must not be the only factor in your decision to use that directory, for instance a directory may have a low rank because its new, every website at one time or the other started off with a 0 page rank, if we were all to spurn a site because of a 0 PR then we'd all be out of business. Ultimately the decision is yours but a site should be judged by the quality of the sites it contains, back links and content.


No Follow - there is a "no follow" tag associated with the link, meaning search engines will not follow the link.

Uses Redirects

Uses unscrupulous reciprocal methods- removing sites shortly after approving them to boost their own incoming links

Links embedded in JavaScript and other codes that search engines can't follow.

Submitting to web directories is not the only means of promoting your site or building back links but it is a very important one.

About The Author
Karleen Phillip, 32 yr female, located in Florida, USA. Web administrator of Free Web Directory

Check out Blogging Mix for more details or you can visit BlogCatalog's Discussion Thread regarding the event!

Are You Getting The Most From Your Meta Tags?

Posted by blogging-monetization-money | 5:05 AM

As any Web Business startup knows, creating a Website is a bunch of work! You have to bother with content, layout, graphics and HTML links, just to name a few. What about your Meta Tags?

Meta Tags are words that are placed in your web page to provide a title, description and keywords to the Search Engine spiders or crawlers. They are not visible to visitors. To see a sample, open any website and click "View" on the menubar, and choose "Source." You'll see the Meta Tags up top, within the Head section of the web page.

Most Search Engines will rank your site on how well your Meta Tags provide a description of the content of your web pages. Google is the exception; it also take's into account the number and quality of backward links to your website. Here lately, there's been differing opinions on the relevancy of Google's Page Rank system. Some experts don't consider it accurate or necessary.

Yet and still, there are many other Search Engines and a further study of Meta Tags is in order. We are going to base our Meta Tags revision on a tool known as a word Frequency Counter. It counts and separates the words in a web page or document, giving you an idea of what words are used most.

Here are some Web based Frequency Counters:
Each one of the Frequency Counters above has different uses and qualifications. The Writewords counter has two flavors: word and phrase count. The Web4Future counter is Web based or a standalone download.

How to use them:

Copy and paste the content of the web page in question and see what the top word frequencies are. You can eliminate most articles and modifiers and concentrate on pure words. As an example: If your web page is about red and blue widgets, the words "red/blue/widgets" should have the highest frequency.

A Word of Caution About Writing Content:

Use the Frequency Counters AFTER you write the web page content. Don't allow word frequency to get in the way of your natural writing style. Do NOT attempt to hit a certain frequency percentage; you'll be penalized by many Search Engines for too much keyword usage.

In Closing

Though the word Frequency Counters are good tools for a quick check, nothing compares to laser-focused writing for good Meta Tags information. Let your writing flow naturally and stay concentrated on your subject keywords. If you do that, you'll find it easy to weave your keywords into your content and Meta Tags.

by Francisco Aloy

(C)2004 Francisco Aloy
About The Author
Francisco Aloy is the creator of The Newbie Business Guide. Constructive and clear information for your new Internet Business. To see more of Mr. Aloy's articles, visit:

5 Ways To Improve Your Adsense Earnings

Posted by blogging-monetization-money | 4:36 AM

If webmasters want to monetize their websites, the great way to do it is through Adsense. There are lots of webmasters struggling hard to earn some good money a day through their sites. But then some of the “geniuses” of them are enjoying hundreds of dollars a day from Adsense ads on their websites. What makes these webmasters different from the other kind is that they are different and they think out of the box.

The ones who have been there and done it have quite some useful tips to help those who would want to venture into this field. Some of these tips have boosted quite a lot of earnings in the past and is continuously doing so.

Here are some 5 proven ways on how best to improve your Adsense earnings.

1. Concentrating on one format of Adsense ad. The one format that worked well for the majority is the Large Rectangle (336X280). This same format have the tendency to result in higher CTR, or the click-through rates. Why choose this format out of the many you can use? Basically because the ads will look like normal web links, and people, being used to clicking on them, click these types of links. They may or may not know they are clicking on your Adsense but as long as there are clicks, then it will all be for your advantage.

2. Create a custom palette for your ads. Choose a color that will go well with the background of your site. If your site has a white background, try to use white as the color of your ad border and background. The idea to patterning the colors is to make the Adsense look like it is part of the web pages. Again, This will result to more clicks from people visiting your site.

3. Remove the Adsense from the bottom pages of your site and put them at the top. Do not try to hide your Adsense. Put them in the place where people can see them quickly. You will be amazed how the difference between Adsense locations can make when you see your earnings.

4. Maintain links to relevant websites. If you think some sites are better off than the others, put your ads there and try to maintaining and managing them. If there is already lots of Adsense put into that certain site, put yours on top of all of them. That way visitor will see your ads first upon browsing into that site.

5. Try to automate the insertion of your Adsense code into the webpages using SSI (or server side included). Ask your web administrator if your server supports SSI or not. How do you do it? Just save your Adsense code in a text file, save it as “adsense text”, and upload it to the root directory of the web server. Then using SSI, call the code on other pages. This tip is a time saver especially for those who are using automatic page generators to generate pages on their website.

These are some of the tips that have worked well for some who want to generate hundreds and even thousands on their websites. It is important to know though that ads are displayed because it fits the interest of the people viewing them. So focusing on a specific topic should be your primary purpose because the displays will be especially targeted on a topic that persons will be viewing already.
Note also that there are many other Adsense sharing the same topic as you. It is best to think of making a good ad that will be somewhat different and unique than the ones already done. Every clickthrough that visitors make is a point for you so make every click count by making your Adsense something that people will definitely click on.

Tips given by those who have boosted their earnings are just guidelines they want to share with others. If they have somehow worked wonders to some, maybe it can work wonders for you too. Try them out into your ads and see the result it will bring.

If others have done it, there is nothing wrong trying it out for yourself.

About The Author
Mike Jozwiak I was a poker dealer for 15 yrs.In that time I was always tring to find a way to work from home.Trust me I have been there and done it all.I had a chance to meet these two guys doing this program.I was very impressed with what there goals were in helping others.I have been in it now almost two months.I am not rich,But I cashed my cards in for cash.Now I am helping others.Email me I have some awsome deals always.

Don't Get Caught With Google Adsense Click Fraud

Posted by blogging-monetization-money | 4:35 AM

Many web site owners are getting their Google Adsense account terminated when they have done nothing wrong to deserve the punishment. Considering the money that they are getting from Adsense, they would certainly want to get back into it.

Considering the money to be made with Adsense, it is no wonder that they would want to get back into it.

It is that same consideration why the Google Adsense click fraud is thought of and why many people are getting into it.

Click fraud is the act of clicking on ads for the purpose of costing the advertiser money. It is simply the same as paying out cash for false leads. Many people website owners are aware of this fraud and are sharing the same sentiment that this is the one big problem that Adsense is facing.

How do you prevent being involved in this fraud?

Majority of web hosts are offering access logs. Once this is offered to you, it is necessary that you hand it over to Google as well. This allows them to look for any suspicious activity on your site. Problems like this are very serious and giving it to them is saying that you would want to help them in any way you can in solving the problem.

It can also help if you have a click monitoring software. If you do not have one yet, you should try and get one. There is absolutely no major factor preventing you from having one because most of this software is free.

As usual, all the information you have received should be turned over to Google. This is showing Google that you too are fighting against click frauds and is in no way a part of it.

Study your server logs and watch for any activity that seems suspicious. Report anything that you may find odd, may it big or small thing.

You may want to consider disabling ads for your own IP address and local geographic area. This will certainly prevent accidents and will not make Google mistake another user as you. You can do through a htaccess file. This will avoid Google mistaking as clicking on your own ads and be kicked out because of it.

Keep your Adsense off on pop ups and pop unders. Your ads should not be displayed on content sites that promote illegal activity or tampering of the legal rights of other people or business. Included in this are the content that is considered adult and gambling ones. If you think that you may be breaking this rule, immediately remove your content or Adsense from the web page.

Be truthful and confess up to Google about times when you might have clicked on your own as, whether accidentally or intentionally. Or the times when you have done something that is against the Terms of Service that they are implementing. Be honest about anything that you may have done that is wrong. Confessing is way better than Google learning about it eventually. It would mean eventual termination and no getting back what you have worked so hard for.

Do not tell your family or friends about Adsense on your website. Chances are they may start clicking on them to help you make money without you knowing it. They may be doing more harm to you than help by trying it in the first place.

If ever someone you know chanced upon your Adsense, make sure they understand that they cannot click on your ads under any circumstances. It would be wise to brief them on important things about Adsense and what not to do with them.
Most pay per click networks have different measures in hand to protect website owners against click frauds. Other search engines can track more than 50 data points, IP address, browser’s information, user’s session info and pattern recognition. They also have “systems” available that detects fraud. Not to mention the specialized teams monitoring how things are going and helping advertisers stop click frauds.

Google offers suggestion on how to avoid click fraud. Using “negative keywords” can be used to keep your Adsense showing on products and services that are in no way related to yours. Adding tracking URLs to your links so you can track the traffic coming from Google.

Do not be caught in the Google click fraud. Be aware and be wary.
About The Author
Mike Jozwiak I was a poker dealer for 15 yrs.In that time I was always tring to find a way to work from home.Trust me I have been there and done it all.I had a chance to meet these two guys doing this program.I was very impressed with what there goals were in helping others.I have been in it now almost two months.I am not rich,But I cashed my cards in for cash.Now I am helping others.Email me I have some awsome deals always.

If you are in Internet marketing or have been reading the ads all over the Internet about how to make money from your website you can't have missed all the talk of AdSense. This is one of Google's main revenue generators and over the few years it has been around has made quite a few early adopters a lot of money.

Google makes a percentage of the cost of the ads and the website owner where the ads show up makes the remaining percentage. The AdSense ads are actually the ads placed through Google's AdWords Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising program.

Unfortunately as with all good things it seems, the money making potential seems to have diminished for the majority of those trying to make a go of AdSense as a viable money maker. That is not to say you can't make money off the AdSense program, it's just not as easy as it apparently was. Unfortunately I was not one of those who made good money off AdSense ads.

Regardless of all the ads promoting really big money from AdSense and the fact that there are still people collecting big profits from it, let's look at it through the eyes of someone just getting into the program in earnest. Someone like many of us that do not have a large source of traffic, or maybe even no traffic to sites we want to add AdSense to. In many cases we might have sites made specifically to be monetized with AdSense. Is it worthwhile to have sites specifically designed to make its income from AdSense ads? I say sites because it is not logical to think someone with a site that does not yet have a huge amount of traffic to believe they can make lots of money from a single site with AdSense on it.

Not going into details, the Google AdSense program is where a website owner has joined the AdSense program and allows Google to place AdSense ads on their website. When a visitor to the website clicks on an AdSense ad the website owner makes a few cents to many dollars from that click. How much you make is dependent on several factors such as the market the ad is trying to capture clicks from, the efficiency of the ad, the keywords the ad is focusing on and other factors. Certain types of ads almost always pay more per click than others. Insurance, loans, and finance ads pay a lot more than an ad for garden tools or gift baskets or paper plates, etc. would pay.

Real Life Example

I decided to give AdSense a try and see if I could make an average of $5 a day from a site designed to be monetized with AdSense ads. The sites are essentially sites with articles on them based on the theme of the site. I wrote some of the articles but purchased most of them. Articles to be added to the sites in the future will be mostly purchased due to lack of time to write articles myself. They are the content of the sites. The sites are mostly written in html, although I do have a few that are php coded sites.

On the pages with the articles are the AdSense ads, usually three blocks of ads on a page. The sites are small with most being about nine to 15 pages total. Adding articles on a regular basis will slowly build up the sites over time which is what the search engines want to see. I started with twenty new AdSense sites and three older blog sites I already had, plus two new portal sites that had no traffic going to them. All sites were monetized with AdSense.

The AdSense sites cost nothing, but the few articles on each site cost about eight dollars each. Articles can cost from about twenty-five cents to fifteen dollars or more depending on the source and quality. The lower cost articles require considerable rewriting so as not to cause your article to be considered a duplicate article and incur a so-called duplicate content penalty.

Allowing for placing five articles a month on a site plus some miscellaneous costs like hosting, domain name, software, and potential maintenance costs, a fifty dollar monthly cost per site is incurred. Yes you could write all or most of the articles yourself, but that is not practical if you have many sites and is very time consuming. So I am discounting that solution as impractical if you have many sites. So to break even on these types of AdSense sites each site needs to make about $50 a month. That’s an average of $1.70 a day.

A measly $1.70 a day, that should be easy for a site to make. Maybe it is, but it is heavily dependent on the traffic to the site and the corresponding clicks on the AdSense ads that result from it. To put things in perspective, look at the results of my twenty AdSense sites, three blogs, and two portal sites. All sites except the three older sites have been up slightly over three months. I started getting a few links to each site just this past month.

Real Life Terrible Results

Only last month did I start getting links to any of the sites. I am averaging about $1 a day from all twenty-five sites together. That’s about $25 a month total, far less than break even cost. I just checked today and have made $50.55 for this current month, month four for most sites. That's about one twenty-fifth of what I need to break even for the sites. Half the money came from the twenty AdSense sites, with the rest from the other five sites. There are still two more days left in this month.

I believe the results will continue to improve as long as I add articles and get links to the sites. It is a long way to go until the sites break even, if they ever do, so I am not holding my breath. Although these results are terrible, in my opinion, it must be mentioned that I am doing this part-time and only recently has there been an effort to get links to the sites. If it had been a full-time effort (and it could easily have been) then the results would seem even worse. I have totally ignored the effort (which has been considerable) in getting the sites up and working properly, correcting and adding the articles and revising the links for each new article I added to the site.

I do have software that would easily generate such sites, but decided not to use it due to leaving footprints and having the sites considered spam sites by Google or the other two top search engines. From the looks of it right now it's too early to make an accurate judgment as to whether the sites will be worthwhile. I tend to think the effort is too great the way my sites are set up now and the cost of the articles too high to make a decent long term profit. I figure I need to revise how the articles are added and probably get the cost of the articles down a lot more, to less than half what I am paying now to have a fair chance to break even, let along make a profit.

Is AdSense Worthwhile for Beginners?

So the question, can beginners make money with AdSense sites cannot be answered yet with any accuracy from my results so far. On the surface it appears the answer is no, not if following my route. Only if extraordinary amounts of traffic can be obtained does it look like my sites will make any decent money from AdSense. Probably another, a better approach, will be necessary and a lot more pages with AdSense ads on it will be required to be able to make any significant money. I suspect I will need at least 50 to 100, or more, articles per site to have a fair chance of creating a small part-time equivalent income from the sites.

If you consider an average cost of six dollars for an article, and that is a very low cost for a new article, and still the same five articles a month, with just half the estimated ten dollars monthly miscellaneous costs being only five dollars, the thirty-five dollar monthly cost per site still is difficult to conceive making even that much from the poor results experienced so far. Only time will tell whether the effort will be worthwhile.

I am already changing my html sites so they will be easier and faster to add the new articles. Unfortunately that may cause me to effectively start over with my AdSense earnings since the links will be different and any pages already indexed will have to be re-indexed again since I am changing the sites little by little to php sites. I did something similar several months ago to a single larger site and even months later over 500 of those original pages were still indexed even though they had been off the site for many months.

If you agree it's difficult for a beginner to make money with AdSense or if you have made a worthwhile AdSense profit in a short time period please enter your opinion on if you would like to share your success or failure. I would like to see other views on this topic, especially those who have made a decent return on non-directory type AdSense sites within a reasonably short period of time.

Copyright © 2007 Charles Harmon
About The Author
Charles Harmon is a software developer and also writes articles for websites. One of his favorite interests is reading your opinions which you can enter on Another is Internet marketing - visit If you have gripes or bad experiences you can voice them at his PootoYou site.

Adwords are simply the keywords that visitors put into Google to search for information on that keyword or phrase. Your pay-for-click ad on the right side of the page that appears is called an Adword, because your ad appears when the visitor searches for information on that keyword.

When the visitor clicks on your ad, you pay Google (adword). If, when your visitor arrives on your site, they click on any ads you have on your site, you get paid by Google under a pay-for-click program called Google Adsense.


The best location for your ads on your own site would be the top right side. This is because the visitors' eyes tend first to look up and right, so you want the most important information in that location.


The real goal is to obtain the maximum click conversion and not only the optimization search engine ranking. This is not only about high ranking to get visitors to click on your ad, but it is about your visitors later clicking on your ads that appear on your site. Therefore, you must chose keywords that relate the best to clicking on your ads and not just a high ranking. The highest paying keywords do not automatically guarantee you will make the most profit. You must test this and track the results.


Your purpose of having your visitors click on your ads is always the primary purpose. The content in your article must be sufficiently relevant that it puts the visitor in an emotional state of mind of being inquisitive or in a buying frame of mind.


All ads on your website must match and conform to the general broad design, color, image and level of quality of your site. They must harmonize, yet they can still attract attention by "standing out".


When you have ads placed on your site and you get paid for visitors clicking on them, you must strictly adhere to the Google policy and general common sense to never have family and friends click on those ads just so you can get paid. This is the fastest way to have Google terminate you and likely never to able to deal with Google again. Google is watching for this, as it would destroy this valuable advertising concept for everyone. The pay-for-click is a fantastically effective method of getting your word out to visitors who are searching for your information.

These basic guidelines and rules will help your journey to use Adwords and Adsense to build traffic and profits in your chosen niche.

Copyright (c) 2007 Dave Mallegg
About The Author
Dave Mallegg is an International Business Advisor and Internet Marketing Expert. If you are interested in learning how to get Google ads free visit:==> . Also, check out the New Strategic Internet Profits Blog at:

Adsense Tips That Double Affiliate Earnings

Posted by blogging-monetization-money | 4:32 AM

Most of us would love to double our Adsense earnings. It doesn’t take long to learn that Google uses a sliding scale, so a $10 keyword that promised to pay $1 to the affiliate only pays $.05.

Many affiliate marketers, especially work at home professionals, assume that affiliate marketing is a scam and quit. Unfortunately, affiliate marketing through Google or Yahoo is not a scam. It is the marketer’s ignorance that is costing them money.

No matter what type of internet business a person operates, most will include affiliate marketing to a greater or lesser degree. Many businesses consider affiliate income as passive income, but they remain frustrated by the lack of success.

How Earnings are Calculated

Many factors are involved when calculating the affiliate’s earnings. Page rank, hits, inbound links, and Page Rank are all important. However, the search engines also track how many people click and compare it to how many people remain at the site for more than 30 seconds.

Ad Appearance

The effectiveness of an ad depends on its appearance. Adds that mimic a link bar on a webpage will do better than ones that appear to be advertisements.

This is why Google allows web publishers a wide variety of layouts and color combinations.

Many affiliate marketers tell small business owners to post three, four, or even five bars of Affiliate links. This rarely works. Instead, it can make the visitor feel like they’ve hit a MFA (Made For AdSense) spam site. In most cases, visitors just leave.


You’ve all heard it – Content is King. Many people mistake this to mean that content attracts search engines – not true.
Content, and meta tags, determine what ads appear on a site. A web page that is not doing well can be improved, dramatically, by altering the keywords to attract sites which have good products to sell at an affordable price.

The keywords in an article rarely effects search engine rank in today’s SEO world. However, they are 100% effective in controlling the ads that appear on a web page.

Know the Ads

NEVER click an ad on your website. However, you can read the URL and go visit the site. What are they selling? Is it a good product? Do you know how to write an article that can ‘pre sell’ the product? Can your article ad value to the product? All of these questions will play a vital roll in the difference between the number of the ‘click through’ from your site and the number of ‘decisions to buy.’

There is nothing wrong with manipulating the ads that appear on your web page. If too many of those ads lead to ‘Hard Sell’ pages then change the keywords and topic of the page to attract something more ‘user friendly.’

AdSense Analytics

All business owners need to familiarize themselves with web analytics. AdSense has its own analytics program. Keep an eye on the pages, which ones work, which ones don’t, and which ads pay best. When you target an ad that earns a high affiliate payout then create more pages that attract that ad.

It is easy to track hits and traffic by creating ‘channels’ in the AdSense program.

Reversed AdSense

Don’t forget to improve your PPC campaigns success by using this advice in reverse. One thing that many small businesses often overlook in their Pay Per Click programs is the websites where their ads appear. If the ad appears on too many Made For AdSense pages, or the Return On Investment is low. Take a look at the sites where you want the ads to appear.

Use your browser’s ‘view’ button and look at the page’s ‘source code.’ The meta information may give a few insights to how the ads are placed. Sometimes a PPC campaigns success can be increased simply by changing one keyword, or a single word in the ad.
About The Author
Mark Walters is a third generation entrepreneur and author. He offers free training and investing videos designed to speed you towards financial independence at

Google AdSense has been revolutionary in terms of providing a way for webmasters to earn revenue from their web sites, particularly for smaller businesses. But are there any good alternatives to Google AdSense?

It is not usually a good idea to put all your eggs in one basket, so you should identify several alternatives. By doing this you may even discover an alternative that is more lucrative for your site, and at the very least you will be prepared in case something happens to AdSense.

Let’s look at some of the best alternatives to Google AdSense advertisements on your web site.


Instead of displaying the same old advertising units with text and image ads, Chitika provide active boxes that show targeted products from various manufacturers. Chitika boxes can even show an ad box containing a product alongside several competitors’ products.

Yahoo! Publisher Network

At the time of writing this Yahoo! Publisher Network is still in Beta mode but once it is fully released it should be a viable alternative to Google AdSense. As with AdSense you can provide your web visitors with contextual ads. Yahoo conveniently offers four ways to receive payment including PayPal. That will be welcomed by many international webmasters who grow old while waiting for US checks to arrive and then get cleared through their banks.

Sell Advertising Spots

This is a traditional alternative, but it is still a good one. If you have a strong customer base you should be able to find advertisers to purchase advertising spots on your web site. You can sell spots by the month and offer a discounted option for six and twelve months.

Write Affiliate Advertisements

If you don’t want to spend time trying to attract traditional advertisers you can make your own ads for affiliate products. Check out the thousands of products at ClickBank or Commission Junction. Select several products that closely match your visitors’ interests. Now write affiliate ads, or use image ads with your own affiliate link.


If you don’t want to manually write your own affiliate ads for ClickBank products then you could consider automating the process with CBprosense. It is a tool that will spider your site, analyze its content and then deliver a list of relevant links to the best performing products in the ClickBank marketplace.

These are five of the best alternatives to Google AdSense advertising. There are many more and several that promise to deliver contextual ads. However I suggest that whenever you are considering an alternative that promises contextual ads, do a quick check through your favorite search engine or webmaster forum to see if anyone is actually making any revenue by using their service. It is one thing to promise the technology, and another altogether to have sufficient advertisers to constantly deliver appropriate ads to your site.
About The Author
Daniel Moro has been successfully building online businesses for ten years. Get more information on these Google AdSense alternatives and download a free report on '10 Remarkably Effective Traffic Building Techniques' at

Google Adsense - Ads That Make You Money!

Posted by blogging-monetization-money | 4:30 AM

Imagine... being paid checks by the largest and most popular search engine, simply for displaying a few ads on your website for FREE?

Well, this is exactly what the Google Adsense program is all about! And when you think about it, it's a revolutionary way of earning yourself a useful online side income. But let's back up a bit...

In the past, many webmasters displayed ads from various companies, via pop-ups, banners, pop-ins and pop-unders. However, visitors to these sites soon got tired of these advertising methods - I mean, who'd like to go to a website where they'd have to close pop-up windows every other minute? This resulted in a dramatic loss of traffic, and in turn made many webmasters to lose profits.

That's when Google announced a novel program – Google Adsense. Instead of having to use banners and pop-ups to advertise companies and gain a commission, website publishers could now earn a decent profit by displaying unobtrusive text ads on the content pages of their website. Since the ads displayed were often directly related to what your visitors are looking for on your site, you had a way to both monetize and subtly enhance your web content.

One of the main reasons for its popularity, is the fact that the Google Adsense program is incredibly accurate. By stepping beyond the boundaries of simple keyword matching, it has quickly become one of the most prominent tools to display accurate advertisements. A list of keywords is still used as the basis of triggering ads, but complex algorithms now ensure that non-relevant ads no longer show up on your site.

Google Adsense also gives you the option to be selective about the type of ads you wish to display. This helps you direct your visitors towards certain type of products and avoid non-relevant or competitor ads. To make it possible for everyone to integrate Adsense into their sites, the program offers a wide variety of settings that allow you to alter the ads' size and appearance.

Google offers their Adsense program to just about all website owners. After signing up for the program, you'll receive an HTML/ XML code to paste on all of your web pages. Then, Google will dynamically generate ads that are relevant to your web content. Whenever a visitor clicks on one of the Adsense ads on your site, Google credits your account with a percentage of money that was paid by the advertiser for that ad.

To sign up for this terrific program, hop over to It's super easy to set up - just a few clicks of your mouse and you're ready to go! Once you start displaying targeted Google Adsense ads on your website, you can expect to generate a sizable income depending on the traffic flow to your site and how many visitors actually click on the ads.
About The Author
Lewis Low is the founding editor of For more Practical Online Business Ideas and Work-From-Home Opportunities, visit his Work-At-Home directory at

If you’re looking to give your website the best advantage, hiring an SEO company may be the way to go. By hiring SEO Companies India, it can allow you to focus on other aspects to your website and place some of the advertising and marketing load onto a specialist.

When it comes to making sells, traffic is a necessity. Hiring an SEO companies India is the best tool for you of generating a higher traffic volume to your website because of their expertise. SEO Companies in Delhi knows the appropriate ways to approach marketing your website and how to make your website appeal to your target audience.

In need of a smart and a creative team, which has smart SEO techniques? You can always rely on SEO Company based in India. SEO Companies Delhi has the perfect blend of technology, expertise, business skill and project management knowledge to ensure that your project is delivered on time and within the budget.

SEO companies in India know how to get your website higher on the top search engines, and the methods of doing it quickly for you. If you have the money to pay for a company, it is worth it to quickly climb the ladder on Yahoo, Google and MSN and get people familiarized with your website through sophisticated SEO Companies Delhi.

A SEO Company Delhi should cater to the individual needs of the client and be readily available to handle any request at the drop of a hat. Success of any SEO Companies in India is largely due to this tailored customer service, and to our commitment to be available any time for an SEO consultation. SEO Companies India is always happy to help establish the most successful and economical search engine optimization campaign to fit your SEO budget and to achieve your long term online goals.

SEO Company India has the unique ability to focus on your markets, both domestic and International, to route selects customers directly online or set them to visit your brick and mortar business destination. SEO Companies in Delhi has also helped us to understand the criteria, methodologies and SEO techniques suited to individual clients to achieve top search rankings on major search engines. Clients realize a dramatic increase in online traffic and sales as a result of their targeted search engine promotion and Internet marketing through best SEO Companies India.

Create effective and economical marketing and promotions through SEO Companies India.

Blog Me a Dollar

Posted by blogging-monetization-money | 9:23 AM

How much effort does it take to blog for a dollar, In the old day’s I suppose you could sing for your supper providing that were not totally tone deaf and the audience is not armed to the teeth with rotten fruit.

So the internet start to fill with blogs about everything under the sun, including ones about the sun and page of the sun. Now its no use just picking a popular subject and doing a quick blog and sticking some Adsense on it. The trouble is you’ve still got to get people to your site.
What you really need is qualified traffic and lots of it now that does not happen overnight. You have to use every trick in the book and some that are not either. There are lots of tools that say I’ll get you traffic for your site but it’ll cost you an arm an a leg to get it.

You feel very frustrated that if it’s going to cost 10.00 dollars for 5,000 visitors and only 1% click on you ads and buy products your not going to be going to the Ferrari shop this week. So you try all the normal sources making links applying SEO tactics.

You look at the top site for the keywords that you have and look at how good the top site is. You check the links in and how many its got and if they are from well established official sites. Then you look at H1 tags and other factors and decide if you can out maneuver the sites.

Then you find that over night you are back down the bottom of Google again you find that your completion has got a load of more new quality links from all kinds of sources and your left scratching your head how they have done it.

It’s like a big game the efforts can sometimes be easy to get money and sometimes not it all depends on a few things. You have to decide on your ethics. If you want to make real money on the net then your going to have to employ the dark side and work the ways that are sometimes frowned upon.

To do this you will have to enter the black hat world and your still going to have to do a lot of learning, learning is the key to all making money and adapting to the new changing environments on the net.

Look at the new methods like social bookmarking find out what it is and how you can exploit it to make cash now. Social bookmarking you may have noticed strange new symbols appearing on the internet with things like dig this.

It’s all part of the new game and new marketing tactics if you want a slice of the action its now a good time to read up on this and find how your niche market can turn up the heat using social bookmarking.

Back to blog me a dollar so I’m back to reading and studying and maybe divulging into some dark sided tactics to boost my internet income.
Article Source:
About the Author:Andy Bolton 39 Liverpool UK Automation Engineer / Website Designer / Divemaster

It is the dream of every article marketer to be able to write articles well to receive thousands of visitors each day. Article writing can either make or break your online business. Do the right things and your article marketing efforts take off well, but do it wrong and you end up wasting your precious time. Is it possible to write articles so well that everyone would pay attention to? The answer is Yes and I am going to show you a simple to follow step by step method to crank out articles that are eye-catching and pull in tons of targeted traffic that is ready to buy your products and be your subscriber.

Every well-written article needs proper preparation. Stay focused on your aim to draw in traffic to your website and pay a lot of attention to a few factors that would help you to write an article well.

1. Keyword Research

Keyword research is so important for several reasons. A well researched keyword tells you that your readers are looking for information related to it. So there is demand. A keyword with some demand but low competition makes it easier for your article to rank well in the search engines. Hang around forums and read the questions people have concerning the topic related to the product and service you want to sell. Check out Overture and Google and find one main keyword and a secondary keyword with less than 1000 searches a month for each keyword and less than 5000 search results for the keywords in quotes, for instance, “how to write an article”. Targeting such keywords would get your article ranked in search engines in a matter of few days.

2. Attention-Pulling Title

Your potential reader only has a few seconds to decide if he or she wants to read your article. Make them do so willingly with an eye-catching title. Since you already have your target keyword, dress it up with call-to-action words. For example, “10 Secret Tips to Successful Article Writing” or “5 Article Marketing Secrets Gurus Are Keeping Mum About” would definitely catch your attention more than “Article Writing Success” and “Article Marketing Secrets”. Do not forget to include the main keyword at the start of the title. I repeat, include it for SEO love!

3. Useful Content That Presells

Stay on track to give useful content. It keeps your readers excited about reading your article and instantly increases the probability of them following the resource link to your website. At the same time, you are establishing yourself as an expert. People would be following your articles as you write more. Treat the article as your sales page as well to presell your website or product. It warms your readers with a hint that the resource link would send them to the solution to their problems.

Work on these 3 areas and you are well on your way to high performing articles that pull in tons of visitors that convert to sales. Anyone keen to start a successful article marketing campaign should hurry to read my article marketing blog for more killer tips .
Article Source:
About the Author:Davion makes serious income with article marketing. Learn more as he shares about effective article marketing tips and the top article submission software internet marketing experts use to drive instant and continuous traffic to their websites. Also, read another wildly popular article on how article submission software can pull in huge profits.

If you're like most online business owners, you are probably interested in making money from home with your website's blog. After all, blogging is free and one of the best ways to build traffic and sales without much monetary investment.

Unfortunately, if you're like most people trying to make money from home with your blog, you are also probably suffering from a shortage of visitors to your blog.

Do you create incredible content and post regularly to your blog, but are still not seeing the kind of traffic you want or making money from home with your blog the way you want to? If so, you should really be looking at what you are doing with your blog, and rework some things to drive more traffic to your site.

The first key to building traffic to your blog is adding quality content to it frequently. This means once per week at the very minimum, but you can blog safely up to three times per day if you really want to. Blogging and pinging may create traffic if you have the content, but it may not be enough.

If you want to make money from home with your blog, it's important to consider other ways of making the sales you want. One way that you can increase the links back to your site is by reading other people's blogs that are related in content to your blog, and commenting on them with your link at the end of your post.

It may seem time-consuming and worthless to you, but good bloggers get involved with a community of bloggers who talk about the same things and trade links with this method, thereby trading traffic between blogs at the same time. If you have good content but suffer from no blog traffic, then you will want to consider this avenue of increasing link-backs to your blog.

Not only that, but you will see more traffic just from other bloggers reading your comments and clicking on your links, as well as search engine traffic when they spider your links in the comments you've posted. The key thing to remember is that this is targeted traffic - people who are interested already in your website's niche.

Trackback links are another way to increase blog traffic and make money from home with your blog. You can take advantage of this method because not many people know what it is, how it works, or how their blogs can benefit from it.

Basically, a trackback will let another person's website know when you make a blog post that refers to that other person's blog post. It's like citing references within your blog post for your readers to click on when they want more information on the same topic by another author.

When you do this, a short blurb from your blog post will appear on that person's site, giving you a link back and more traffic to your site. You just have to check that the other blogger has a trackback link. Most WordPress blogs should have this feature, but probably not a lot of Blogger blogs will.

Trackback has a feature that is like having comments enabled or disabled on your blog and moderating them to decide if you want to keep them or discard them.

The difference between commenting on other's blogs and having a trackback link, and what makes a trackback link more useful is that you get way more targeted links pointing back to your site than via a regular link or comment exchange. The search engines will like these kinds of links better than a regular link too.

You can increase your blog traffic and start making money from home with your blog if you create solid content, use blog commenting wisely, join a community of bloggers, and implement the trackback feature on your blog to cite other blogs and create link-backs to your own.

Article Source:
Liane Bate owns a Plug-in Profit Site web business. Find ways of Making Money From Home

The Federal Trade Commission ("the Commission or FTC") has handed down an advisory opinion that may have dire consequences for companies that employ individuals who are involved in blogging and promote those companies products or services while blogging. According to the Commission, this may hold true even if these employees are undertaking this blogging on their personal time and even if the company management has no idea of what may be going on. The Commission advises that such a blogger must make readers aware of his or her connection with the company whose products or services he or she is endorsing.

The FTC has concluded in this advisory opinion that these specific actions may constitute deceptive business practices in violation of the Federal Trade Commission Act. The Federal Trade Commission Act defines a deceptive business practice as sets forth below:

1. a practice that represents or omits material information that likely would mislead reasonable consumers under the circumstances; and,

2. a practice that involves a representation or omission that is of material importance to consumers

The Commission continually and regularly has found that a seller's failure to disclose a relationship that would materially effect a consumer's opinion is deceptive.

In the case of the advisory opinion, the specific concern was the weight that a consumer will naturally give to a sponsored endorser. The Federal Trade Commission Endorsement Guides set forth:

"(W)hen there exists a connection between the endorser and the seller of the advertised product that might materially affect the weight or credibility of the endorsement . . . such connection must be fully disclosed."

A connection is deemed to exist in most instances when the endorser (here, a blogger) is paid by the company responsible for providing the product or service or when an endorser has a close business association (or has a relative with such an association) with such a company. Without a doubt, according to the Commission, employees of a business have such a close business association and their connection must be made public when they make any endorsement.

The bottom line is that it appears that companies and businesses have a duty to pro-actively monitor their employees blogging habits and warn them about the perils of making endorsements through blogging when their connection to that business enterprise is not made public. In a similar vein, if the employee is making negative statements about a competitor, his or her association with his or her employer must be made public to avoid violating FTC regulations.

Article Source:

Robert Masud, Esq. is the principal of Masud & Company LLC, a law firm for the world of business, finance and the internet. Find out how our lawyers can help you or assist your business at

One of the primary tools still used by PR professionals to garner media coverage is the press release. Now, understand the purpose of a press release is to grab the attention of an editor, not to offer a word for word story to a publication. Most professionals, as well as small business owners, misunderstand this concept and are therefore frustrated when they can't seem to make it work for them.

If you understand that the purpose of a press release is to grab attention, then you might also begin to realize that there is a bit of an art to writing an effective one.

This art actually begins with proper format. It probably shouldn't matter how you format a good story, but editor after editor has told me that if a press release comes to them and is not properly formatted, it often doesn't get read. Read that again if you are bit of a maverick. You want to read about your company in the news then you might just have to follow the rules.

Ultimately, your story will have to stand on its own, but follow this accepted format, and you stand a better chance of making that all important first impression.

For release timing

The very first thing to appear on your release is the release date or time. If your story is for immediate release, say so - For Immediate Release. If there is a reason to hold some news or a seasonal deadline, say so - For Release Before Halloween. Some background type releases can also carry the - Release at Will tag

Contact Information

Don't make it hard for them to get in touch with you. Right under the release info state your name, address, direct phone, and email address under the heading "For more information" Remember the real point is to get them to call you.

The Headline

90% of all advertising effectiveness rides on the effectiveness of the headline. It is no different for a press release. Most readers will decide whether or not you have anything to say based solely on the grabbing power of your headline. Pull them in quickly. Write 5-6 attention grabbing headlines and then put your release away for day or so. Come back and see which ones still grab you. It is that important.


At the start of the body of your release, you are expected to provide some useful information. First the date of the release and then the city the release originates from. Put a dash after the city and then start the body of your release. ie: February 18, 2003 - Kansas City, Mo - Today in history...

Double space

Double space the body of your release. This probably goes back to the days when reporters made notes by pencil in the space between the lines, but I guess some still do that.

First Paragraph

Okay, so now your headline grabbed them. Tell them what you're going to tell them in the first paragraph. Don't beat around the bush or try to be cute here. Hit them with your best shot.

Quotes and Credentials

Quotes make for interesting reading. Try to find a newspaper story without a quoted source of some sort. Add your own quotes and then add some credentials to the person you attribute the quote to. If it's you and you're a master plumber with 25 years of experience, then say so. "The flora and fauna was breathtaking," said Bill Sphenkle, one of Kansas City's most experienced plumbers.

Call to action

If you want them to interview or visit your website to find out more information, then say so. Bill Sphenkle is available for interviews. Just don't hype your company or product. Nothing gets your release tossed faster.


At the end of your release, add the symbol - # # #

Article Source:

John Jantsch is a veteran marketing coach, award winning blogger and author of Duct Tape Marketing: The World's Most Practical Small Business Marketing Guide. You can find more information by visiting .

I remember some one recalling, “Internet has become a big money making machine”, when you think of statements like these, it might give you certain picture of how internet can be money making machine. Today internet has improved to its capacities in meeting the needs of general public.

Well, is about the success of making money through different avenues provided. Recent investigation on the success of making money was found in ‘blogging’. Blogging has become one of the ways to increase revenue on the internet. There are people who are earning money by giving their time for ‘blogging’ and throughout the day they work hard to reach the potential to reach a good amount of avenue through that.

It is very easy to blog, you have to register with sites as and make an account with them to start earning revenue on it. While registering you have to first decide on the types of blogs you want to be there on your blog site. You can choose from the below topics:

1. Earn money
2. Marketing
3. Product reviews
4. website reviews
5. Personal blog
6. Photographic blog
7. Blog on animals as pets
8. Blog on writers
9. Blog on freelancers
10. Blog on Jobseekers

These are just some of the examples for you to consider when you are considering to start a blog of your own. After having your personal blog, and once you know how to start it, than you can get registered with ,, these are some of the sites that will help you to earn money while you blog.

The other way is through Google adsense and Google adwords, You can have google advertisements on your blog and earn revenue from it from Google itself, it is very easy, you have to register with Google adsense, and complete the registration process, after that Google adsense has many categories of advertisements and you can choose your categories and get HTML code for the category you have chosen and paste it on your blog, this will enable you to earn tremendous revenue from google adsense, if you do it perfectly.

Google adwords, you have to pay per click, it is a way of introducing your blog to the visitors and for that you have to pay a certain amount starting from 5 cents or 1 cent for per visitor to your site. There are many successful bloggers using Google adwords and they have earned a considerable amount of money in that process, it is one of the easiest ways to earn money as well.

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Blogging is a concept that started in late 90s. It used to be a way to comment an existing webpage, an opportunity for visitors and readers to react or voice out one's opinion on the said page. What started as a single-sentence commentary has evolved into pages of personal take on just about anything and everything under the sun. As it continues to move forward, online advertising has tapped into the blog's potential. Here are 5 reasons why you should use blogging as an Internet marketing tool.

1.Blogging is simple. The simplest way to get your piece on the net is through blogging. No skills are necessary; an average adult can read and type, or at least click a mouse. It's like having a virtual piece of paper and you just write your ideas, experiences, new products, and hope that the truth behind your articles comes out and entice your reader to also try your product. If you have a PC and an Internet connection (who doesn't?) then you can blog and advertise.

2. Blogging is authentic. In this day and age where advertising saturate our lives, we question the credibility of promoter's claims. However, in blogs, real people share their real-life experiences, unscathed by paid advertising. Reading blogs about first-hand product use is like talking to people about their first-hand experience. You definitely want to buy a tried and tested product.

3. Blogging is free. Because blogging is yet to be proven as a mainstream online advertising media, most sites see it as something to augment current marketing tools and thus offer it for free. Any opportunity for free webtime is definitely a bonus especially to businesses that are starting up. Needless to say, paid blog pages can generate more income for your seriously growing business.

4. Blogging builds credibility. As you get more and more into writing your experiences on a particular product or industry, your readers come to realize that they can depend on your posts for their own information needs. As such, you become an expert on it; as a consequence, more readers visit your site and more bloggers link to your blogs. As companies and professional organizations notice the growth of your readership base, they may soon get in touch with you for advertising on your blog page, or make you an affiliate, which pays for every referral generated from your blog site.

5. Blogging builds your market. Unless you are a Hollywood star, chances are, only your Mom reads your posts. Mom has a lot of friends, so she lets her friends know how interesting your blog site is. But you need not depend on Mom to increase your readership base. Look into the following ways to build your market through blogging:

-By using your e-mail. Today, blogging is overcoming the e-mail's popularity in quickly and effectively reaching and expanding a market. In this age of speed and quick access, logging in and downloading e-mail is simply taking longer than clicking into a blog site. Let them explore your site by using a short e-mail message as teaser to your blog site. If your e-mail is on an entirely different subject, use your e-mail signature to give a link to the site.

-By using subscription. An easy way to get your readers e-mail is to give them an opportunity to subscribe to your blogsite. Keep some exclusive information for your subscribers to entice readers to subscribe and give their e-mail address. Just be responsible in using their e-mail address, as the last thing you want is a comment on your blog that you are a spammer.

-By understanding your readers. Conduct a simple survey for your readers to understand their profile and advertising preferences. Ask consumers to give you feedback on a post, an ad link, or a trial that you shared. In this way, it is like interviewing your readers without the commitment and intrusion of a face-to-face interview.

-By joining a blog network. A network of blogs maybe a collection of blog sites that share the same industry, interest, readership base, payment mode, etc. Consumers find credibility and convenience in clicking one link to several real bloggers about a single subject. Clearly, more bloggers are better than one.

-By using RSS. RSS is the fastest growing technology on the Internet today. As such, having RSS feeds to your blog is definitely another means of generating awareness for your readership base. Having a variety of feeds can add interest to your blog site.

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Samizr Khan teaches Integrity Marketing with blogs. Learn how to build a list & make more money online, visit his blog at